And it doesn't pay well.
I am still unemployed and with my mother-in-law showing more and more interest in my daily activities I decided to once again search the vast sea of nameless boring jobs. Assistant administrator to the collections counselor- or in other words- "A bunch of stuff nobody cares about or wants to do. But you need 5 years experience doing it to get the job."
I have trouble understanding this employment jargon. I'm not a lawyer, I haven't been in the work place for 10+ years. I feel like I should have been taught most of this stuff in college, or maybe I missed the class of Bureaucratic crap that you need in order to find a job.
And yet I still come back to this road block of not wanting to grow up. I have always acted like a kid. Love to explore and play and wonder.
Maybe its this city that's so intimidating. Out of all cities in the U.S. I feel like New York is the one that tries the hardest to tear that part away from itself. Even the children here act like mini-adults.
So to find something I can do. Baker? Teacher? Designer? Retail? HR? Customer Service? Social Work? Writer? Nurse? My M.I.L. (mother in law) can't understand how me and my husband can be 25+, still living at home, and still working crappy jobs/not working. I'm not sure what to tell her. I've done what I was supposed to do. I finished High School as the first in my family. I went to college, as the first in my family. I finished college, I got married. Then its the end of my goals- besides having babies. But its like I can't find this next step.
HOW do I find a job I am good at/can endure/get a living wage from? Even with the terrible economy. I am willing to work the crap jobs. To do Target, Walmart, Best buy, etc. But THEY won't even hire me. I am a terrible sales person, but I love helping people.
Not exactly sure where this rant is going. I just sound like a spoiled child, crying when things get hard or don't go my way. I feel like my whole life I was told to experiment, to dream, to think around the box- and now I'm told its irrelevant. To dismiss it all.
I just don't know anymore.