I am back to update my blog, the one that seems to be hidden away and forgotten. Maybe I don't do enough fun things? I don't know.
I've decided to use this as a forum to post my papercrafts I have completed, not just the ones I have found- which is a lot.
This early Monday morning is a Chocobo from Final Fantasy VII. This Pattern was created by Sane Person. Above I posted pictures of my finished product, and I can say this was certainly frustrating. Most papercrafts include some sort of instruction, like the flaps are numbered, or generally colored to show what goes where. Not with this pattern. I am not saying that I am ungrateful for the free patterns creators upload, but he could have done a .pdo file at least.
I ended up gluing the body on upside down and the neck backwards somehow. This was a good lesson for me to learn my physical dimensions.
- Unrelated: I was told in college that boys have a better understanding of how mechanics work because they have a better geographical mind. Think of gears and how they interact, work. How shapes fit (like this papercraft). The explination? Because they rough house play more than girls. Because they roll around in the dirt, chase each other, and are just more physical- they can better understand how parts interact and take up space. (found that very interesting.)
I'm not saying this papercraft is impossible. It definitely is a worthy challenge, and if you can get the feet right (I could not) he is wonderful to display. Mine is tilted backwards because his feet can't hold his body straight. Well good luck with it!
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